There is no doubt that the most beautiful public garden in Malta is San Anton Garden at Attard. The Palace and the gardens were built and established by the Grand Master Antoine de Paule who was in charge of the Island from 1623 to 1636. plants, shrubs and trees, were planned by the Grand Master in the17th century.The Grand Master bequeathed the Palace and Garden to the Order of St John. The Palace is now the residence of the President of Malta.
SAN ANTON GARDENS, the largest and loveliest garden area in Malta, lies on the confines of the Three Villages - Attard, Lija and Balzan. The garden we know today was opened to the public in 1882. The President's private garden extends towards Lija at the back and sides of the Palace. Palms, cypress, jacarandas, araucarias and other exotic plants, some of them over three centuries old, adorn the garden, together with graceful fountains, pools, statues and colourful flower-beds. Malta holiday-makers will find the garden a truly beautiful sight. Enclosed sections are reserved for orange and other citrus trees. Bougainvillas bloom profusely on the wall of an elevated terrace beneath the Palace front. In addition there are glasshouses with indoor plants and an aviary. A small enclosure, with a few camels and desert animals, is a major attraction for children and parents alike on a Malta holiday. Nowadays, the Garden is the venue of the Annual Horticultural Show and of frequent other exhibitions. During summer, the spacious centrai court becomes an open-air theatre for drama and for musical performances, which are popular with both locals and cultured Malta holiday-makers.
Thankyou goes to each & everyone one of you
for making this unforgetable wonderful meeting
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